CPM would like to thank our generous sponsors and contributors who have made it possible for us to provide theatre opportunities to the youth in our community

Paint and Powder Club Donation

Diane Smith, CPM Artistic Director of
CPM accepting a generous check for $10,300.00 from Judy Kahl, President of the Paint and Powder Club.


CPM was one of Paint and Powder's designated charities who benefited from the fundraising efforts of the club to promote and support youth related programs and charities


for more information about

The Paint and Powder Club visit: www.paintandpowderclub.org

Broadway Angels ($5000 & up)
The Paint and Powder Club
The Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation

Living Legends ($1000 - $4999)
BGE an Excelon Company
The Maryland State Arts Council

Showstoppers ($500 and up)
Dianne Brilhart
A grateful CPM Family

Star Turns ($200 - $499)
Robinson/ Bowers Family
Lewis Lebrun & Michael Poniatrowski
Diane, Jerry & Nicole Smith
Bill & Dori Watson

Featured Performers ($100-$199)
Karis Haslam & Buzz Merrick
Ed Peters & Kip Kunsman

Supporting Players  (up to $99)
Carol Beres
Julie & Paul Cain
The Klees - Glickman Family
Dan &  Hillary Hellerbach
Sandra McQuade
James & Sueann Murphy

Donald & JoAnn Rayner

Make a Donation Today
If you are interested in sponsoring our current season please
contact the CPM office at 443-840 -2426.

You may also mail your donation to:
Children’s Playhouse of MD, Inc.

CCBC Essex Campus

 Administration Bldg.

7201 Rossville Blvd.

Baltimore, MD 21237

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